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    By Duane The Great Writer

  • “In Creation, the Created Creation that You are in Now, has Six Basic Levels, which are actually 'Places in Life' that are a very small reflection from that of The Whole of What LifeIS. Just like Here on This Planet Earth, You Decide when to move Your PhysicalBody around from Place to Place. Your Little PersonalBody will only be Here so long, then You will move from Here with Your Other Bodies to another 'place' in Creation, until YU, The RealU, WakesUP ALL The Way into The ReALL UNUversisss of RealFreedom where there are NO Authorities. Creation has Cause&Effect Action, also known as Karma, which is merely a 'process' to WakeUp by to eventually Recogn'IS'e The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLLISSS. In The ReALL Endlisss UNUversisss there 'IS' no movement or 'places' that are self-limiting as there are in Creation. This is where the invented systems on This Planet have limited themselves and their followers & members to SelfRestricting Authorities, such as 'gods & saviors' in Other Places of Creation. You & YU, always have the Choice to Make Better Choices for YourSelf, as ALLL of LifeIS Awarenisss, and Far MoreSo than 'body embodiments' for short spans in TimeSpace Conformity Ruled by Abusive Authorities! You Keep Agreeing to Stay UNaware in Cause&Effect Creation, as You have been 'indoctrinated to think' that someone will Save You from YourSelf. Does this Make Sense? NO... it does Not! But, if You want to Keep 'believing' it is so, then You are Your Own Jailer & Also the invented systems that Kontrol You Here! The days of 'masters&gurus' are gone and their Old Wisdom will only get You to the Astral Realm, and usually the Lower Astral, where You will continue to be Trapped & TapLined as You are Now! Sound Fun... YOU DECIDE! SING 'NU~U~U~U' and Watch Your DreamVisions and ALLLife will Show You 'What IS Real Now!' TAKE THE RISK... ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANE & THE REALL UNUVERSAL GUIDES for RealGuidance & RealEducation on THE REALL~SIDE LIFEIS!


    Duane The Great Writer is making HimSelf Available for Those who want to KnowMorrre & SeeeMorrre & BeeeMorrre than just having another ‘ordinary’ unaware life on This Purposely Poisoned Planet! Create Your NU’Seee’sion with Duane The Great Writer and D’IS’cusss any topic You Like! Here IS Some Examples to D’IS’cusss… Personal, Financial, Relationships, Dreams, Government, 5G, GMO, ChemTrails, Vaccines, HAARP, Military, Secret Service, Spying, Subliminal TapLining, Conspiracy, Angels, Gods, Fairys, Ghosts, Aliens, Reptilians, Religious, Spiritual, Governments, Monarchy, and anything that pertains to what You are Experiencing in This CreationBubble. And Also… The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom! Learn to Get Your Own Answers! NU’SEEE’SIONS Start at: 30 Minutes @ $1 (One US Dollar into PayPal) a Minute and can be as much time as needed. (and Yes, the way DUANU Writes His NUWords Refers to Something Morrre than what is known Here, and this is where You Decide to Recogn’IS’e What IS ReALLL Now with ALLLife or continue on as You have with just another PersonalLife in an Aging BodyForm). Contact: KEVIN SMITH UK & DEAN VAL on Facebook&YouTube.

    An Official NuPresentation Club is now available, the NuAwarenISSS Club. Membership to which is 1 dollar per month through paypal. Click on the NuAwarenISSS WebSite link at the top of the page, and from there navigate to the forum site.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation, Gods of Man, & Authoritarians. Part 1

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation. Part 1